Benefits of Network marketing:
Before going to the topic, look at the traditional business. Now a days, everyone prefer traditional business only. People think that money makes money. But they don't know the best business in the world to invest. Just to have a business, people invest money. After one or two years, they think for their investment, but it wouldn't return. There are so many drawbacks of traditional businesses. First of all, one has to work full time, large investment, good locality, competition in the market, no one will co-operate to succeed, there is no passive income for the people, there is a need of workers, rent, there is a need of training on various products, a lot of advertisement is needed, everyone would choose bank loans.
What is the alternative ?
If you listen the word, 'network marketing business' it is the right place and one of the smartest things. Now we are in information age. One can do business by understanding and spreading over social marketing platforms like Facebook and Twitter.
- doubles the income quickly. In the network marketing business, as the customers are doubled, the income also doubled. This does not take place in traditional business and in a job.
- Now a days, no one listened the word, "Financial freedom". One will be financially become freedom when he/she is on holiday and gets money without any interruption.
-Time liveraging-Generally, there is a direct proportionality between time and money. When we work more time, we get more money. But a human being cannot work more than 24 hours. But even no one in the world can work 24 hours. The maximum working capacity is 10 hours. This is drawback in the job or traditional business. Where as in network marketing business, there is huge duplication of man power and working hours. If your team has 10 people, then you get 10 x 8 equal 80 hours a day, you can imagine if you have 1000 of working people, you get .......huge time.
Now a days, there is a word missed is security. Because, your boss or your owner may terminate you, but in network business no will terminate you.
In network business, the income is pass on to the generations.
Direct selling is a vibrant, dynamic channel of distribution for the marketing of products. There is no intermediate distribution system.
- Directly one can meet customer and know the problem and needs of them
- It offers flexible working hours
- There is no boss
- There is a strong training support
- There is no chance of adulterate the products
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